Do you ever wonder,

Discover Who You Are and What You Have as God’s Very Loved Child
As women, we all long to feel truly loved, accepted, and significant. We seek affirmation from others, looking for ways to prove our worth. But no matter how hard we try, we often feel like we’re falling short, like we don’t measure up. The world tells us our identity is wrapped up in what we do, how we look, and how others see us—but deep down, we know there’s more to us than that.
The truth is: Your identity is not determined by what you do.
Sadly, many women are working so hard to find out who they are by the things they do. And it’s leaving them exhausted and empty.
If you’re ready to change how you view yourself and your place in the world, this is your invitation to discover the life-changing truth of your identity in Christ. You don’t have to question who you are anymore.
How does God see you?
The truth is: You are deeply loved and fully accepted by God.
The Bible tells us that when you put your faith in Jesus, your old identity was crucified with Him. In its place, you’ve been given a new nature and a new identity. You are now united with Christ and called to reflect His life within you (Romans 6:5-7).​This transformation isn’t something you have to strive for—it’s God’s work in you. Through the Holy Spirit, you can fully understand and experience who you are as a child of God (John 16:12-13).
31 Biblical Truths with supporting Bible verses showing who you are and what you have as a child of God to help you:
Embrace your new identity in Christ and view yourself as God does.
Replace lies with Biblical truth about who you are and what you have in Christ.
Speak life-giving affirmations over yourself when doubt creeps in.
Experience God’s love, grace, and purpose every day, no matter how you feel.
Start seeing yourself through God’s eyes.
Are you ready to let go of the world’s view of your worth and embrace the truth of who God says you are? Sign up today to receive these 31 powerful Biblical affirmations and step into the confidence, love, and acceptance you’ve been longing for as His beloved child.
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Romans 12:2
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