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JULY 1-31, 2024

identity in Christ


I want to be notified of the next 31 DAY CHALLENGE

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Dear Sister in Christ,


Are you feeling weighed down by any of these struggles?


  1.  Self-condemnation

  2.  Low self esteem

  3.  Focused on achieving

  4.  Feeling misunderstood

  5.  Searching for meaning

  6.  Feeling fearful

  7.  Feeling discontent

  8.  Being vulnerable

  9.  Feeling unheard


These challenges can distort your view of God, yourself, and your relationships with your spouse, children, and grandchildren.


What would it look like to change the way you see yourself and your place in the world?


Join me IN OCTOBER for a 31-Day Challenge to Embrace Your Identity in Christ. Together, we’ll dive deep into your true identity as a beloved child of God and expand your ability to live from that profound truth every single day.

Discover Your True Identity and Live a Transformed Life


God's Word tells us to renew our minds, and science supports that this renewal transforms our perspectives and actions. When we remind ourselves of the truth of who we are in Christ, our actions will reflect that identity. 


“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Romans 12:2

Some Biblical Truths You’ll Explore:

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...and many more!

Coffee with Friends

What You’ll Experience in This FREE Challenge:

Daily Videos

Each day, view a video that presents a Biblical truth about your identity in Christ, supported by a specific Bible verse. These videos will include practical applications of these truths, helping you to internalize and live out your identity as a child of God.

Community Zoom Calls

Participate in two community Zoom calls during the month to connect more deeply with other participants, share experiences, and grow together in faith.

Supportive Community

Engage with other Christian women in a dedicated Facebook group. Share insights, ask questions, and encourage each other as you journey through this challenge together.

Free and Accessible

This challenge is completely free. You’ll receive guidance on how to get the most out of the 31 days, ensuring a meaningful and impactful experience.

Transform Your Mind

Renew your mind daily with the truths of God’s Word, leading to a transformed perspective and actions that reflect your true identity in Christ.

Why Join the 31 Day Challenge?

Build Lasting Connections

Form meaningful relationships with other women who share your faith and desire to grow in their understanding of their identity in Christ.

Live Out Your Identity

Learn practical ways to apply Biblical truths to your life, allowing you to live confidently and purposefully as a beloved child of God.

How It Works:

  1. Sign Up
    Join the challenge by entering your email below. You'll receive a welcome email with all the details to get started.

  2. Join the Facebook Group
    Once you sign up, you’ll be invited to join the dedicated Facebook group where daily videos and additional resources will be shared.

  3. Watch Daily Videos
    Each day, watch a new video that reveals a Biblical truth about your identity in Christ and offers practical applications.

  4. Participate in Community Zoom Calls
    Join our two Zoom calls to connect with other participants, share insights, and encourage one another.


I’m Excited to Have Several Friends Join Me in Sharing Daily Reminders of Your Identity in Christ.

These friends will contribute their own unique insights and encouragement, enriching our journey together as we explore the depth of our identity in Christ.

Ready to Transform Your Life by Embracing Your Identity in Christ?

Sign up now to join the FREE 31 Day Challenge and start your journey towards a renewed mind and a transformed life. Don’t miss this opportunity to grow in your faith and live out your true identity as a child of God.


Meet your Host for the 31 Day Challenge to Embrace Your Identity in Christ

Hi everyone! I’m Renee Bethel, a child of God and a Professional Christian Life Coach and a Certified Enneagram Coach. I love helping growth minded Christian women explore their identity in Christ, embrace how they are uniquely designed in the image of God and develop healthier relationships with themselves, their spouses, children and grandchildren. 


After six challenging years as a caregiver, managing my husband’s illness and my daughter’s severe injuries from being hit by an 18 wheeler, I realized that I was surviving but unable to offer anything life-giving to my own soul or for those within my sphere of influence. This realization was the first step to knowing that Christ is life and the only one who can supply the abundant life I wanted. 


As I received and loved who I was in Christ, I noticed other Christian women struggling with guilt, shame and self-condemnation and feeling defeated instead of victorious. This revelation inspired me to become a Life Coach and an Enneagram Coach to help Christian women expand their understanding of who they are as children of God and how that impacts their thoughts, feelings and actions.

Connect with Finding Me Christian Coaching to be Notified of our Next Challenge

Have questions or need more information? Contact Renee by email or visit or follow on Instagram.

This challenge is designed for Christian women of all ages and stages of faith. Join us and discover the life-changing power of knowing who you are in Christ.

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